SC Youth Summer Camp is here! This year we will be attending Motion Student Conference 2024, We are excited for what God is going to do in your youth! We wanted to thank you for entrusting us with your youth. We believe that there are two experiences that will change a young person forever, and summer camp is one of them. We are believing that this week will be deeply impacting and transformational for your youth! This event will be filled with incredible worship and inspiring messages and times in God’s presence

When: July 25 – 27
Who: High School Students (9th – 12th Grade)
Where: Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex 2100 North Arrington Blvd. North Birmingham, AL 35203
Payment Plan:


$100 [Registration] + $30 [Conference Meal Package] = $130 (if registered by May 31st)

$120 [Registration] + $30 [Conference Meal Plan] = $150 (if registered by June 15th)


$150 Transportation
$160 Hotel
$55 Meals
Total: $365

FINAL TOTAL: $495 (if registered by May 31st)


June 15th | Motion Conference Registration + Meal Package

July 1st | $200 (payment made to SC Church)

July 15th | $165 (payment made to SC Church)

How To Register:
1. Go to link:
2. Add number attending
3. Click ‘Join a group
4. Search for existing group: SCYOUTH
5. Enter passcode to join this group: SCYOUTH
6. Click continue
7. Register your personal information
8. Click Continue
9. Add $30 Meal Package (this is required for everyone going)
10. Click Continue to payment
11. Checkout & Place Order

Need more info? Contact our Youth Pastors
Pastor Josh Bredahl: 318.294.1098
Pastor Laci Bredahl: 318.317.5257